Monday, October 19, 2009

A Reflection...

It's come to my attention lately that everyone wants one thing: to be the ruler of their own universe. Not that I didn't already know this--growing up, I was often reminded by Mom and Dad that, contrary to my own beliefs, I did NOT control the world--but thanks to Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, Blogs, etc...we are daily able to see just how selfish we all are.

Aside from the fact that the Internet Age offers a unique glimpse into original sin (and our collective desire to do anything and everything in opposition to God) it also throws a spotlight on this: we are all huge, giant hypocrites. We all have an opinion. And we're dying for others to know. Whether it be about fashion, the latest Obama speech, a recently-released film, or the coworker we dislike, we want YOU to know exactly what we're thinking and feeling.

But this word-vomit cannot accomplish anything--thereby making us hypocrites unless we're willing to take action. Our culture has lost all interest in the importance of hard, honest work. Need proof? No problem. We just rewarded our President with the Nobel Peace Prize for his expected achievements, not actual accomplishments. To put it even more plainly, President Obama was given a coveted honor because he is a great speaker. He says things that we want to hear. And based on the experience of Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, Blogs, etc....isn't that an easy thing to do??

I think this realization affords a great opportunity to live by our words. Especially for Christians. I am extremely frustrated (and convicted) by a lot of the behaviors exhibited by self-proclaimed Christians on the Internet (Facebook in particular). It is dangerously easy to believe that our religious knowledge makes us better than those around us. God-forbid we EVER use the Internet as a means to lord our theology over others. That makes us WORSE than anything or anyone we are railing against; they do not understand the Grace that has saved us. We do (or at least we claim to). So when we beat our fellow non-believers over the head with our convictions (which are rooted in GRACE), that makes us the worst kind of hypocrites. Christ-followers who do not live like Christ. I don't know, but something tells me that hypocrisy does very little to grow the Body of believers.

Just some things to think about.