Tuesday, September 15, 2009

A Moonman...

The MTV VMAs are a yearly spectacle, and have been since 1984. While I appreciate musical talent and good music, I think this awards show serves only as a window into the ever-increasing decadence and frivolity of the pop-culture world. It's a "one-stop shop" experience for the eye and ear, featuring no-holds-barred performances, self-indulgent (and uninformed) political and social commentary, and idolizing fans.

At this year's VMAs, it's no question what event caused a scandal. Two words: Kanye West. From the moment he interrupted Taylor Swift's acceptance speech for Video of the Year to loudly proclaim Beyonce the "real winner," it has caused a media upheaval, the likes of which we haven't seen since MJs untimely death. News stations and sites across the country made it the headlining story. Countless celebrities updated their Twitter accounts, loudly defaming Kanye for his actions. President Obama even took time away from his health care plan to call the rap artist a "jackass."

My response to all of this, instead of the typical shock and horror, is to ask, "who cares?" Yes, I do understand that Kanye's actions violated our propriety norms, and in that sense, I empathize with Taylor Swift for being the victim of his bad behavior. Her "moment" (as Beyonce coined it) was robbed from her. But what kind of a "moment" are we talking about? An occasion to gratefully reflect on a God-given talent? A chance to mention the many musical artists who influenced her? An opportunity to showcase her gift through a modest performance? No. An MTV Moonman Award is 100% about the "carnal self": how hot and desirable you are, and how well you paraded your sexuality throughout your latest music video. In other words, a Moonman defines shallow superficiality.

Rather obviously, this exhibits the MTV Awards as a navel-gazing free-for-all, which is exactly why I don't care about this supposed "scandal." It was a rude thing for Kanye to do. But his behavior was merely an outward reflection of the inner mindset of all the celebrities there: me, myself, and I. Don't forget what the show, in its entirety, is about: worship. Celebrities worshiping themselves for their celebrity. Yes, even Taylor Swift, in all of her victimized, "pity-me" sweetness.

My only concern regarding the VMAs is this: why do we need them? Self-worship should be BORING. It's the smallest, most abusive form of love. Reserve it all for self-indulgence and self-adoration and it immediately degrades its meaning to the lowest possible point. We were created to adore and worship God, so love is really about serving someone outside yourself. And that reality is almost completely ignored in our culture today.

Now, to answer my own question. Why do I think we "need" shows like the MTV VMAs? Simple. It's easy to pretend you're the center of your own created universe. Being held accountable to God? THAT'S hard.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

A Pipe Dream...

Many of us heard President Obama's speech last night, addressing his health care reforms. It was about time. Most Americans, after all, have loudly protested the government-supported health care movement from the start. Unfortunately, President Obama changed nothing about his plan. His speech did not move Congress any closer to reforms that would put patients first.

Instead, President Obama did what he was famous for: orated in his favor. Rather then address the valid concerns of the people (regarding a health plan that does not uphold America as a republic), the President openly accused his critics of "scare tactics," and told the American people that if we don't get behind his plan - which he calls doing "nothing" - "more will die as a result." What a brazen attempt to lay guilt on people for having a (valid) differing opinion.

So what is Obama's heath care "reform", where, supposedly, nothing will change (begging the question: so of what use is the word "reform"?)? Just this: a public, government-controlled health insurance plan; a new federal definition of acceptable health insurance; an individual mandate that everyone purchase that insurance OR face a tax; and an employer mandate increasing the burden on the engine of jobs. Hmm. That does not sound like "nothing" to me.

President Obama ended by saying that his "door is always open" to discuss alternatives to his plan. So far, however, we have seen little consideration given to the types of reforms we have openly supported - such as buying health insurance across state lines, tax credits for Americans of all incomes, etc. These are real reforms that would work for real people. Unfortunately, as we've seen before, President Obama seems to care more about furthering his agenda. So the people lose.

I honestly wish that the president's quasi-socialist plan would work. And it would, if socialism was a successful theory of social organization. But as history has proven, time and again, socialism CANNOT work. Why? Because it relies on the inherent goodness of man; something that Christians (in particular) know to be false. We are a fallen world, full of fallen people. We will never band together as equals (on this side of eternity), because there will always be the few who do not work as hard to earn the privileges that socialism provides. Am I saying that we shouldn't look after the well being of our fellow man? Of course not. After all, Jesus commanded us to love our neighbors as we love ourselves.

What I am saying is that we cannot place our hope or trust in a political theory that has been tried, tested, and has failed. That's confusing the two kingdoms: the City of Man vs. the City of God. At it's most basic, we cannot operate as if man was inherently GOOD, when we know the opposite to be true.

What we need politically is what capitalism offers: INCENTIVE. Our democracy has always stood strong under the weight of that political ideal, so let's not drop it now, when we most need it.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

A Status...

Well, we're all subjected to them. Multiple times a day. At any time. STATUSES. Facebook asked the question, and we are all are rushing to answer it. What's on your mind? Seems simple enough, but the answers are more varied then anything you'll find within the social-network spectrum.

In my opinion, this short question has popularized the notion that self-indulgence is worth while. Of course! We want to know where you are, who you're with, and what deodorant you're wearing. We don't mind if you're giving us a blow-by-blow account of your colonoscopy, please! Enlighten us with details!!

I couldn't help but laugh (and take a long look in the mirror) when this article came out a few weeks back. I'm including the link here, so please enjoy reading about the "12 Most Annoying Types of Facebookers".


Along with the "The Let-Me-Tell-You-Every-Detail-of-My-Day Bore," the "Bad Grammarian," and the "The Self-Promoter" (etc.) there are a few I'd like to add to the list. Of course, when you point a finger, 3 are pointed back at you, so no reminders are necessary: I'm well aware that my statuses have often fallen under one of the annoying categories.

13 (continued from the 12 in the link). The Political Zealot. Are you a Democrat? Are you a Republican? These are not questions you need ask the political zealot. Along with links to articles, news briefings, and the occasional quote from either Steven Colbert or Ann Coulter, the political zealot makes his political opinion VERY clear via status. Any opposing opinions are met with indignation or a heated rebuff. And yes, he will die on every hill to have the last word.

14. Captain Obvious. "100 degrees sucks," "DMV workers are RUDE," "The Beatles are AMAZING!!!" Yes, all true. Blindingly so. While we appreciate Captain Obvious's desire to share genuine feelings with us, some creativity would be nice. Think of a status as a "first impression."

15. The Pious Offender. This is where Facebook catches many at their own game. The Pious Offender might enlighten us with a religious quote or Bible verse, but somehow, their latest photo album seems to speak more loudly: "Vegas 2009~What Mama Don't Know, Won't Hurt."

Although this blog is intended mostly for humor, it does speak to something deeper. My desire to share exclusively about MYSELF (via status) tells me something about my sinful nature: I want to be my own god. I want control over the universe as I see it, and Facebook has allowed me, albeit in a small way, to indulge that selfish desire. Of course, that is in direct conflict with my faith, as Christ should have all of me, while I die to self. That truth is a powerful reminder amidst the pull to answer: What's On Your Mind?

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

A Fire...

Just a quick blog to request prayer for all the men and women directly affected by the LA area Station Fire. I've been listening to the news today at work, and the details are a bit frightening.

Just a few updates:

- This fire is particularly dangerous because it is not fueled by the Santa Ana winds (as the normal CA fires are). Rather, it is gaining power from the 40-year old brush and the triple digit temperatures.
- Over half of the $182 million fire budget has been spent already on the Station fire alone. Schwarzenegger has requested help from the federal government.
- The fire now covers an area of 200 square miles.
- It takes the fireman 10 hours to cover a distance that the fire is moving in 2.
- Two fireman have lost their lives already. One of them was about to welcome a child in 3 weeks.
- 75 homes have burned and 12,000 are now threatened.

Of course, we know that God is totally in control, even over this seemingly erratic fire. Although it is scary to see such a display of nature, it is encouraging to know that it is all being led under His Sovereign hand. We can trust and have hope in His infinite wisdom and guidance.

Please pray for the safety of the men and women affected, and for the brave firefighters who are working to get the fire under control.