Tuesday, September 1, 2009

A Fire...

Just a quick blog to request prayer for all the men and women directly affected by the LA area Station Fire. I've been listening to the news today at work, and the details are a bit frightening.

Just a few updates:

- This fire is particularly dangerous because it is not fueled by the Santa Ana winds (as the normal CA fires are). Rather, it is gaining power from the 40-year old brush and the triple digit temperatures.
- Over half of the $182 million fire budget has been spent already on the Station fire alone. Schwarzenegger has requested help from the federal government.
- The fire now covers an area of 200 square miles.
- It takes the fireman 10 hours to cover a distance that the fire is moving in 2.
- Two fireman have lost their lives already. One of them was about to welcome a child in 3 weeks.
- 75 homes have burned and 12,000 are now threatened.

Of course, we know that God is totally in control, even over this seemingly erratic fire. Although it is scary to see such a display of nature, it is encouraging to know that it is all being led under His Sovereign hand. We can trust and have hope in His infinite wisdom and guidance.

Please pray for the safety of the men and women affected, and for the brave firefighters who are working to get the fire under control.