Friday, June 12, 2009

A Treat...

This very random blog is dedicated to something I rarely eat: candy. On my lunch break today, I went to Henry's and passed through the candy aisle: rows and rows of bright colors, pretty wrappers, and....calories. And it got me thinking.

I do not think the allure of candy has much to do with the flavor. In general, the tastes are pretty standard, and either sweet or sour. The real draw is the look; candy is beautiful. The colors, the shapes and sizes, it's really magical.

Candy is also intrinsically linked to childhood: taffy on the boardwalk, a candied apple at the fair, a foot of Bubble Tape on the walk home from school. I will never forget the trips to Disneyland growing up; besides the rides and the occasional meet-and-greet with a Princess, I could NOT wait for my exiting souvenir: a GIANT swirl lollipop. I would literally fall asleep in the midst of that sticky mess on the car ride home. And to this day, I can't resist treating myself...even though I prefer chocolate any day.

It's the memory that counts.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

A Crush...

I am IN LOVE with this musical compilation. Featuring two of my all-time favorite songs, I think this artist made a wonderful choice by combining them. And there is something so powerful about musical simplicity; the piano and cello are the only focal points of this piece.

Without further ado, here it is: the "Love Story" and "Viva la Vida" compilation.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

A Marriage...

Social networking sites offer many unique opportunities, one of which is to share political ideals. With the ability to update current moods/thoughts/feelings, share articles, and link to videos, it comes as no surprise that many people use their page to stand on a political soap box. My turn.

I am tired of the "Marriage Equality" fights going on around our nation, and throughout California in particular. The gay community is outraged that a recent ruling prohibits same sex marriage, citing that this mandate is "unconstitutional" and "unloving."

This is utter nonsense. First of all, civil unions are legal. They offer the same benefits as a marriage without that term applied to them. Gay and lesbians are free to live jointly, simply barring the use of the term "marriage."

It shocks me that this word, and its original meaning, are being so forcefully attacked. You simply cannot call the union of a same sex couple a "marriage." Monogamy MEANS, by definition: one man, one woman, for life. It cannot include more. Why? Because to change this word and its meaning is to wipe out the significance of the family, and the significance of our relationship to God. Secondarily, language is of the utmost importance for the survival of culture. When we disrespect our words, their origins, and their meanings, we are behaving no better then animals.

Biblical marriage is modeled after Christ's relationship to the Church. To open this word up for any other interpretation is to spit on a holy covenant that God has established for our good.

Are we fighting a losing battle (politically)? Perhaps. Marriage laws will probably change one day to accommodate same sex couples (and who knows what else). But that does not lesson our call to action, and our need of truth. In a culture that praises open-mindedness and complacency, which usually comes at the cost of wisdom and modesty, it is essential that Christians fight for what we know to be right.

Time to swim against the current.

Monday, June 8, 2009

A Reality...

Everything I love about men and women is tied up in this clip. Brought to you by one of my favorite romantic comedies, Sleepless in Seattle, this scene sheds light on the male vs. female psyche.

Obviously, the main point of this clip is to offer some comic relief. There are deep underlying truths here, however, that are made all the more winsome simply because they're relayed lightheartedly.

1) Men are pragmatic. They see a problem, develop a plan, and fix it. They spend less time on emotions/feelings, and more time on reality. In my opinion, a very healthy way to approach life's problems.

2) Women are emotional. We want a happy ending, a love story. We favor "romance" and "true love" over pragmatism and common sense. Perhaps a more idealistic approach to life, but sweet nonetheless.

Of course, life can be pretty "perfect" when these two are happily joined. God intended it that way. Which is why I get irritated when women spend so much time nagging at men for trying to "fix everything." Come on ladies...we're the idealists. They're the pragmatists. If anyone should get a nagging, it SHOULD be us.

Of course, I'm guilty of demanding empathy and understanding (and NOT a solution) when I'm upset, but I realize more and more that men are not appreciated enough for being MEN. We wanted that knight on a white horse, remember? A man cannot rescue us if we force him to sit there and "just listen." Happily, that's why God made girlfriends.

Enjoy the clip!!

Friday, June 5, 2009

A Frustration...

It's often hard for me to deal patiently with things in life, and even harder for me to wait on the Lord. I have a sinful tendency to worry about everything, without trusting that God is holding me in His hands, and has already planned out my every breath.

Right now, I am struggling a bit with getting a doctor to listen to me. It's been really frustrating, but I often forget that there IS a reason I haven't gotten an answer yet. Lately, I've started to wonder if the answer won't come until I really, truly trust in God alone. I haven't given over my every care and concern to Him, and I know that's wrong.

One helpful reminder for me came in the form of a Martin Luther quote:

"Pray, and let God worry."

There it is. My daily reminder. I've got some work cut out for me :)

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

A Teaser...

It's on its way. The final portion of a trilogy that began all the way back in 1995.

I. Can't. Wait. Disney got this one right.