Monday, June 8, 2009

A Reality...

Everything I love about men and women is tied up in this clip. Brought to you by one of my favorite romantic comedies, Sleepless in Seattle, this scene sheds light on the male vs. female psyche.

Obviously, the main point of this clip is to offer some comic relief. There are deep underlying truths here, however, that are made all the more winsome simply because they're relayed lightheartedly.

1) Men are pragmatic. They see a problem, develop a plan, and fix it. They spend less time on emotions/feelings, and more time on reality. In my opinion, a very healthy way to approach life's problems.

2) Women are emotional. We want a happy ending, a love story. We favor "romance" and "true love" over pragmatism and common sense. Perhaps a more idealistic approach to life, but sweet nonetheless.

Of course, life can be pretty "perfect" when these two are happily joined. God intended it that way. Which is why I get irritated when women spend so much time nagging at men for trying to "fix everything." Come on ladies...we're the idealists. They're the pragmatists. If anyone should get a nagging, it SHOULD be us.

Of course, I'm guilty of demanding empathy and understanding (and NOT a solution) when I'm upset, but I realize more and more that men are not appreciated enough for being MEN. We wanted that knight on a white horse, remember? A man cannot rescue us if we force him to sit there and "just listen." Happily, that's why God made girlfriends.

Enjoy the clip!!


Aunt Kathy said...

Ha! That is my fave part of this movie! I love Rita Wilson's whole explanation of the movie!