Friday, June 5, 2009

A Frustration...

It's often hard for me to deal patiently with things in life, and even harder for me to wait on the Lord. I have a sinful tendency to worry about everything, without trusting that God is holding me in His hands, and has already planned out my every breath.

Right now, I am struggling a bit with getting a doctor to listen to me. It's been really frustrating, but I often forget that there IS a reason I haven't gotten an answer yet. Lately, I've started to wonder if the answer won't come until I really, truly trust in God alone. I haven't given over my every care and concern to Him, and I know that's wrong.

One helpful reminder for me came in the form of a Martin Luther quote:

"Pray, and let God worry."

There it is. My daily reminder. I've got some work cut out for me :)


Rachel said...

Praying for you sister. I am in the same boat with you. I have had the same struggle in getting a doctor to listen, diagnose and treat me seriously with this headache situation I am having. God's grace covers us and all of the ways we mess up in trusting Him, thankfully. I will continue to pray that you find contentment and even dare I say joy :-) in the "now" God is giving you.