Tuesday, May 26, 2009

A Joke...

We hear it all the time. Mothers, especially, love to say it. I'm beginning to wonder, however, if the mantra "use common sense" has lost all meaning. Common sense, it appears, is altogether uncommon.

For reference, take a look at some actual warning labels printed on products today (these are all real):

1) Liquid Plummer
Warning: Do not reuse the bottle to store beverages.

2) Windex
Do not spray in eyes.

3) Bowl Fresh
Safe to use around pets and children, although it is not recommended that either be permitted to drink from toilet.

4) Toilet Plunger
Caution: Do not use near power lines.

5) Endust Duster
This product is not defined as flammable by the Consumer Products Safety Commision Regulations. However, this product can be ignited under certain circumstances.

6) Baby Oil
Keep out of reach of children

7) Hair Coloring
Do not use as an ice cream topping.

8) Wet-Nap
Directions: Tear open packet and use.

9) Stridex Foaming Face Wash
May contain foam.

10) Zantac 75
Do not take if allergic to zantac.

These are all rather funny, but unfortunately they reveal a larger problem within our society today: greed. Because suing has become a popular pastime in recent years, companies are now having to print warnings to minimize the possibility that someone, somewhere, will find a reason to file suit.

In one famous case, a college student sued a washing machine company after he got drunk, climbed into a washer, turned it on, and was injured. As a result of his poor behavior, he not only received a huge reparations check, but all machines are now required to display the warning: "Do not put yourself, or any other persons, inside this washing machine" as well.

Yes, we might be able to take advantage of the system, but the joke is on us: our product warnings do a great job of making us look stupid.


Unknown said...

This is so true. I was laughing about this just the other day. I think Adam Carolla talked about the same thing on his podcast. I love reading about what sort of things sparked your thought process...

shannon huston said...

those are amazing. I'm relieved to know the stridex foam face wash may contain foam. haha woww

Simply Sarah said...

Hahahaha, I know! That is my favorite, along with "Wet Naps: tear open and use." Really???