I am never ashamed to call myself an American. I am, however, appalled by the actions of many colleges around the United States, who have substituted dignity and respect in favor of political correctness. Funny turn of phrase, "politically correct". In my view, there is nothing correct about kow-towing to the radical demands of hate-filled religious groups, as the University of California at Irvine has done for the Muslim Student Union.
Of course, I am deeply grateful for the Freedom of Speech doctrine, as it applies to different religions. I count myself daily blessed to live in a country where I have the right to speak freely about the Truth of Christianity. But I think we're forgetting that "freedom of speech" naturally requires some limitations. The value and functionality of a State is directly linked to how well a law is defined and applied. No one would argue that religious groups should be able to speak openly about their faith under the protection of "free speech." But what if those groups are actively promoting hatred, torture, and murder of another set of people? Is that what we want to aspire to as a nation?
UCI, by allowing the Muslim Student Union free reign on campus, has implied that their aspirations, in part, fully support religious radicalism and hatred. Extracurricular activities, clubs, and religious groups are an essential part of the college experience, but they should never overshadow a secular school's first priority: a great education. And when a secular school does support religious groups or clubs, it ought to serve as the neutral host, not a biased "politically correct" coward, as UCI has done here.
Let's take a look at some facts:
- Every year, the Muslim Student Union (MSU) hosts an event in the Spring called "Holocaust in the Holy Land." A literal "wall of shame" is resurrected with anti-Israel propoganda covering it.
- Attempts by other students or other religious groups to dialogue with the Muslim Student Union are met with violent retorts. This event does not promote education or understanding. Rather, its sole purpose is to demonize Israel and Jews.
- Over the past few years, the MSU has regularly sponsored similar programs. Jewish student groups have repeatedly pleaded with the MSU to invite more moderate speakers and to engage in dialogue instead of hate-filled rhetoric. They are ignored.
- The UCI administration has remained totally deaf to Jewish groups’ concerns, claiming "free speech" trumps all else. Events have been allowed to continue as scheduled. The result? A week-long assault against Israel and Jews that is blatantly anti-Semitic and has glorified violence and terrorism.
- Muslim speakers have included such radicals as American born Imam Muhammed Al-Asi, who is notorious for his anti-Semitic comments, such as "You can take the Jew out of the ghetto but you cannot take the ghetto out of the Jew," and for claiming that Nazi anti-Semitism was justifiable.
- Despite a general public outcry against the events (which included the voices of many conservative Muslims), the administration at UCI has not only allowed them to continue, but has provided financial support and police protection for the Muslim Student Union.
- Other groups aiming to speak out against the MSU, including Christians and Jews, are encouraged by the administration at UCI to keep quiet and are given little to no financial support or protection.
You decide.
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